Theory NF

theory NF
imports Tree_Automata_Utils Saturation
  Author:  Alexander Lochmann <> (2019)
  License: LGPL (see file COPYING.LESSER)

theory NF
  imports TA.Tree_Automata Tree_Automata_Utils Basic_Utils Saturation

datatype 'f bot_term = BFun 'f (args: "'f bot_term list") | Bot

inductive_set mergeP where
  base_l [simp]: "(Bot, t) ∈ mergeP"
| base_r [simp]: "(t, Bot) ∈ mergeP"
| step [intro]: "length ss = length ts ⟹ (∀ i < length ts. (ss ! i, ts ! i) ∈ mergeP) ⟹
    (BFun f ss, BFun f ts) ∈ mergeP"

lemma merge_refl:
  "(s, s) ∈ mergeP"
  by (induct s) auto

lemma merge_symmetric:
  assumes "(s, t) ∈ mergeP"
  shows "(t, s) ∈ mergeP"
  using assms by induct auto

fun merge_terms :: "'f bot_term ⇒ 'f bot_term ⇒ 'f bot_term"  (infixr "↑" 67) where
  "Bot ↑ s = s"
| "s ↑ Bot = s"
| "(BFun f ss) ↑ (BFun g ts) = (if f = g ∧ length ss = length ts
     then BFun f (map (case_prod (↑)) (zip ss ts))
     else undefined)"

lemma merge_terms_bot_rhs[simp]:
  "s ↑ Bot = s" by (cases s) auto

lemma merge_terms_idem: "s ↑ s = s"
  by (induct s) (auto simp add: map_nth_eq_conv)

lemma merge_terms_assoc [ac_simps]:
  assumes "(s, t) ∈ mergeP" and "(t, u) ∈ mergeP"
  shows "(s ↑ t) ↑ u = s ↑ t ↑ u"
  using assms by (induct s t arbitrary: u) (auto elim!: mergeP.cases intro!: nth_equalityI)

lemma merge_terms_commutative [ac_simps]:
  shows "s ↑ t = t ↑ s"
  by (induct s t rule: merge_terms.induct)
   (fastforce simp: in_set_conv_nth intro!: nth_equalityI)+

lemma merge_dist:
  assumes "(s, t ↑ u) ∈ mergeP" and "(t, u) ∈ mergeP"
  shows "(s, t) ∈ mergeP" using assms
  by (induct t arbitrary: s u) (auto elim!: mergeP.cases, metis mergeP.step nth_mem)

lemma megeP_ass:
  "(s, t ↑ u) ∈ mergeP ⟹ (t, u) ∈ mergeP ⟹ (s ↑ t, u) ∈ mergeP"
  by (induct t arbitrary: s u) (auto simp: mergeP.step elim!: mergeP.cases)

interpretation cl: closure_under_pred_fun "(↑)" "λ x y. (x, y) ∈ mergeP"
  by unfold_locales (metis merge_symmetric merge_dist megeP_ass merge_refl megeP_ass
   merge_terms_assoc merge_terms_commutative merge_terms_idem merge_terms_commutative)+

inductive_set bless_eq where
  base_l [simp]: "(Bot, t) ∈ bless_eq"
| step [intro]: "length ss = length ts ⟹ (∀ i < length ts. (ss ! i, ts ! i) ∈ bless_eq) ⟹
  (BFun f ss, BFun f ts) ∈ bless_eq"

text ‹Infix syntax.›
abbreviation "bless_eq_pred s t ≡ (s, t) ∈ bless_eq"
  bless_eq ("{≤b}") and
  bless_eq_pred ("(_/ ≤b _)" [56, 56] 55)

lemma BFun_leq_Bot_False [simp]:
  "BFun f ts ≤b Bot ⟷ False"
  using bless_eq.cases by auto

lemma BFun_lesseqE [elim]:
  assumes "BFun f ts ≤b t"
  obtains us where "length ts = length us" "t = BFun f us"
  using assms bless_eq.cases by blast

lemma bless_eq_refl: "s ≤b s"
  by (induct s) auto

lemma bless_eq_trans [trans]:
  assumes "s ≤b t" and "t ≤b u"
  shows "s ≤b u" using assms
proof (induct arbitrary: u)
  case (step ss ts f)
  from step(3) obtain us where [simp]: "u = BFun f us" "length ts = length us" by auto
  from step(3, 1, 2) have "i < length ss ⟹ ss ! i ≤b us ! i" for i
    by (cases rule: bless_eq.cases) auto
  then show ?case using step(1) by auto
qed auto

lemma bless_eq_anti_sym:
  "s ≤b t ⟹ t ≤b s ⟹ s = t"
  by (induct rule: bless_eq.induct) (auto elim!: bless_eq.cases intro: nth_equalityI)

lemma bless_eq_mergeP:
  "s ≤b t ⟹ (s, t) ∈ mergeP"
  by (induct s arbitrary: t) (auto elim!: bless_eq.cases)

lemma merge_bot_args_bless_eq_merge:
  assumes "(s, t) ∈ mergeP"
  shows "s ≤b s ↑ t" using assms
  by (induct s arbitrary: t) (auto simp: bless_eq_refl elim!: mergeP.cases intro!: step)

lemma bless_eq_closued_under_merge:
  assumes "(s, t) ∈ mergeP" "(u, v) ∈ mergeP" "s ≤b u" "t ≤b v"
  shows "s ↑ t ≤b u ↑ v" using assms(3, 4, 1, 2)
proof (induct arbitrary: t v)
  case (base_l t)
  then show ?case using bless_eq_trans cl.sym merge_bot_args_bless_eq_merge by fastforce 
  case (step ss ts f)
  then show ?case apply (auto elim!: mergeP.cases intro!: bless_eq.step)
    using bless_eq_trans merge_bot_args_bless_eq_merge apply blast
    by (metis bless_eq.cases bot_term.distinct(1) bot_term.sel(2))

fun term_to_bot_term :: "('f, 'v) term ⇒ 'f bot_term"  ("_" [80] 80) where
  "(Var _) = Bot"
| "(Fun f ts) = BFun f (map term_to_bot_term ts)"

lemma bless_eq_to_instance:
  assumes "sb t" and "linear_term s"
  shows "∃ σ. s ⋅ σ = t" using assms
proof (induct s arbitrary: t)
  case (Fun f ts)
  from Fun(2) obtain us where [simp]: "t = Fun f us" "length ts = length us" by (cases t) auto 
  have "i < length ts ⟹ ∃σ. ts ! i ⋅ σ = us ! i" for i
    using Fun(2, 3) Fun(1)[OF nth_mem, of i "us ! i" for i]
    by (auto elim: bless_eq.cases)
  then show ?case using Ex_list_of_length_P[of "length ts" "λ σ i. ts ! i ⋅ σ = us ! i"]
    using linear_term_comb_subst[OF Fun(3)] by auto
qed auto

lemma instance_to_bless_eq:
  assumes "s ⋅ σ = t"
  shows "sb t" using assms
proof (induct s arbitrary: t)
  case (Fun f ts) then show ?case
    by (cases t) auto
qed auto

abbreviation "psubt_lhs_bot R ≡ {t | s t. s ∈ R ∧ s ⊳ t}"
definition states where
  "states R = insert Bot (cl.closure (psubt_lhs_bot R))"

lemma psubt_mono:
  "R ⊆ S ⟹ psubt_lhs_bot R ⊆ psubt_lhs_bot S" by auto

lemma states_mono:
  "R ⊆ S ⟹ states R ⊆ states S"
  unfolding states_def using cl.closure_mono[OF psubt_mono[of R S]]
  by auto

lemma finite_lhs_subt:
  assumes "finite R"
  shows "finite (psubt_lhs_bot R)"
proof -
  have conv: "psubt_lhs_bot R = term_to_bot_term ` {t | s t . s ∈ R ∧ s ⊳ t}" by auto
  from assms subterm_set_finite have "finite {t | s t . s ∈ R ∧ s ⊳ t}" by auto
  then show ?thesis using conv by auto

lemma states_ref_closure:
  "states R ⊆ insert Bot (cl.closure (psubt_lhs_bot R))"
  unfolding states_def by auto

lemma finite_R_finite_states:
  "finite R ⟹ finite (states R)"
  using finite_lhs_subt states_ref_closure
  using cl.finite_S_finite_closure finite_subset
  by fastforce

abbreviation "bound_max q s S ≡ (let F = Set.filter (λ t. t ≤b s) S in
  q ∈ F ∧ (∀ t ∈ F. q ≤b t ⟶ q = t))"

definition nf_rules where
  "nf_rules R ℱ = {TA_rule f qs q | f qs q. (f, length qs) ∈ ℱ ∧ set qs ⊆ states R ∧
      ¬(∃ l ∈ R. lb BFun f qs) ∧ bound_max q (BFun f qs) (states R)}"

definition nf_ta where
  "nf_ta R ℱ = ta.make (states R) (nf_rules R ℱ) {}"

lemma bound_max_state_set:
  "bound_max q t (states R) ⟹ q ∈ states R"
   by (auto simp: states_def Set.filter_def)

lemma bound_max_join:
  assumes "bound_max p t (states R)" and "q ∈ Set.filter (λ s. s ≤b t) (states R)"
  shows "q ≤b p"
proof -
  note p_state = bound_max_state_set[OF assms(1)]
  from assms have less: "p ≤b t" "q ≤b t" by auto
  from bless_eq_mergeP[OF this(1)] bless_eq_mergeP[OF this(2)] have merge: "(p, q) ∈ mergeP"
    by (metis ‹q ≤b t› bless_eq_mergeP bless_eq_trans cl.sym merge_bot_args_bless_eq_merge merge_dist)
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "p = Bot ∨ q = Bot")
    case True then show ?thesis using p_state assms by (metis bless_eq.base_l)
    case False
    from p_state assms(2) False have states: "p ∈ cl.closure (psubt_lhs_bot R)" "q ∈ cl.closure (psubt_lhs_bot R)"
      by (auto simp: states_def)
    from states merge have "p ↑ q ∈ cl.closure (psubt_lhs_bot R)" using states by auto
    moreover have "p ↑ q ≤b t" using less bless_eq_closued_under_merge
      by (metis cl.refl merge merge_terms_idem)
    ultimately show ?thesis using assms False
      by (smt cl.closure.step insertCI insertE member_filter merge merge_bot_args_bless_eq_merge merge_symmetric states_def) 

lemma Bot_in_filter:
  "Bot ∈ Set.filter (λs. s ≤b t) (states R)"
  by (auto simp: Set.filter_def states_def)

lemma t:
  assumes "finite R"
    and "⋀ p. p ≤b t ⟹ p ∈ states R ⟹ ∃ u ∈ states R. p ≤b u ∧ p ≠ u ∧ u ≤b t"
    and "p ∈ states R" "p ≠ Bot" "p ≤b t"
  shows False
proof -
  let ?P = "λ u v. p ≤b u ∧ p ≠ u ∧ u ≤b t ∧ p ≤b t"
  from assms(2-) have "⋀ p. p ≤b t ⟹ p ∈ cl.closure (psubt_lhs_bot R) ⟹
     ∃ u ∈ cl.closure (psubt_lhs_bot R). p ≤b u ∧ p ≠ u ∧ u ≤b t"
    using bless_eq.base_l bless_eq_anti_sym unfolding states_def by blast
  from this assms(3-) obtain f where
    f: "∀ x. x ≤b t ∧ x ∈ cl.closure (psubt_lhs_bot R) ⟶ f x ∈ cl.closure (psubt_lhs_bot R) ∧ x ≤b f x ∧ x ≠ f x ∧ f x ≤b t"
    using choice[of "λ p u. p ≤b t ∧ p ∈ cl.closure (psubt_lhs_bot R) ⟶ u ∈ cl.closure (psubt_lhs_bot R) ∧ p ≤b u ∧ p ≠ u ∧ u ≤b t"]
    by auto
  define h where "h = (λ i. (f ^^i) p)"
  from assms(3, 4) have mem: "p ∈ cl.closure (psubt_lhs_bot R)" unfolding states_def by blast
  have mem: "h n ∈ cl.closure (psubt_lhs_bot R) ∧ h n ≤b t" for n
  proof (induct n)
    case (Suc n)
    then show ?case using f by (auto simp: h_def)
  qed (auto simp add: mem assms(5) h_def)
  then have sub: "{h n |n. True} ⊆ cl.closure (psubt_lhs_bot R)" by auto
  have "i < n ⟹ h i ≤b h n ∧ h i ≠ h n" for i n
  proof (induct "n - i" arbitrary: n)
    case (Suc x) note IS = this then show ?case
    proof (cases n)
      case [simp]: (Suc m)
      from IS(1)[of m] have "h i ≤b h m ∧ h i ≠ h m ∨ m = i" using IS(2)  by auto force
      moreover have "h m ≤b h n ∧ h m ≠ h n" using f h_def mem by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis unfolding Suc
        using bless_eq_anti_sym bless_eq_trans by fastforce
    qed auto
  qed auto
  then have "i ≠ j ⟹ h i ≠ h j" for i j
    by (cases "i < j", auto simp: not_less nat_less_le[symmetric]) (metis le_neq_implies_less)
  then have "inj h" using mem f by (auto simp: h_def inj_on_def)
  then have "infinite {h n | n. True}" using infinite_iff_countable_subset by auto
  from infinite_super[OF sub this] have "infinite (cl.closure (psubt_lhs_bot R))" .
  then show ?thesis using cl.finite_S_finite_closure[OF finite_lhs_subt[OF assms(1)]]
    by auto

lemma bound_max_exists:
  assumes "finite R"
  shows "∃ p. bound_max p t (states R)"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume ass: "∄p. bound_max p t (states R)"
  then obtain p where "p ∈ states R" "p ≠ Bot" "p ≤b t"
    by (auto simp: Set.filter_def) (metis (no_types, lifting) bless_eq.base_l insertI1 states_def) 
  from t[OF assms(1) _ this] show False using ass by (auto simp: Set.filter_def)

lemma bound_max_unique:
  assumes "bound_max p t (states R)" and "bound_max q t (states R)"
  shows "p = q"
  using assms bound_max_join[OF assms(1)] bound_max_join[OF assms(2)]
  using bless_eq_anti_sym by force

lemma nf_rule_to_bound_max:
  "f qs → q ∈ nf_rules R ℱ ⟹ bound_max q (BFun f qs) (states R)"
  by (auto simp: nf_rules_def)

lemma nf_rules_unique:
  assumes "f qs → q ∈ nf_rules R ℱ" and "f qs → q' ∈ nf_rules R ℱ"
  shows "q = q'" using assms unfolding nf_rules_def
  using nf_rule_to_bound_max[OF assms(1)]  nf_rule_to_bound_max[OF assms(2)]
  using bound_max_unique by blast

lemma nf_ta_det:
  shows "ta_det (nf_ta R ℱ)"
  by (auto simp add: ta_det_def nf_ta_def nf_rules_unique)

lemma term_instance_of_reach_state:
  assumes "q ∈ ta_res (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars t)" and "ground t"
  shows "q ≤b t" using assms
proof(induct t arbitrary: q)
  case (Fun f ts)
  from Fun(2) obtain qs where wit: "f qs → q ∈ nf_rules R ℱ" "length qs = length ts"
    "∀ i < length ts. qs ! i ∈ ta_res (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars (ts ! i))"
    by (auto simp add: nf_ta_def)
  then have "BFun f qs ≤b Fun f ts" using Fun(1)[OF nth_mem, of i "qs !i" for i] using Fun(3)
    by auto
  then show ?case using bless_eq_trans wit(1)
    by (auto simp: nf_rules_def)
qed auto

lemma [simp]: "i < length ss  ⟹ l ⊳ Fun f ss ⟹ l ⊳ ss ! i"
  by (meson nth_mem subterm.dual_order.strict_trans supt.arg)

lemma subt_less_eq_res_less_eq:
  assumes ground: "ground t" and "l ∈ R" and "l ⊳ s" and "sb t"
    and "q ∈ ta_res (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars t)"
  shows "sb q" using assms
proof (induction t arbitrary: q s)
  case (Fun f ts) note IN = this
  from IN obtain qs where rule: "f qs → q ∈ nf_rules R ℱ" and
    reach: "length qs = length ts" "∀ i < length ts. qs ! i ∈ ta_res (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars (ts ! i))"
    by (auto simp add: nf_ta_def)
  have subst: "sb BFun f qs" using IN(1)[OF nth_mem, of i "term.args s ! i" "qs ! i" for i] IN(2-) reach
    by (cases s) (auto elim!: bless_eq.cases)
  have "s ∈ psubt_lhs_bot R" using Fun(3, 4) by auto
  then have "s ∈ states R" by (auto simp: states_def)
  then show ?case using subst bound_max_join[OF nf_rule_to_bound_max[OF rule]]
    by auto
qed auto

lemma ta_nf_sound1:
  assumes ground: "ground t" and lhs: "l ∈ R" and inst: "lb t"
  shows "ta_res (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars t) = {}"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume ass: "ta_res (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars t) ≠ {}"
  show False proof (cases t)
    case [simp]: (Fun f ts) from ass
    obtain q qs where fin: "q ∈ ta_res (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars (Fun f ts))" and
      rule: "(f qs → q) ∈ ta_rules (nf_ta R ℱ)" "length qs = length ts" and
      reach: "∀ i < length ts. qs ! i ∈ ta_res (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars (ts ! i))"
      by (auto simp add: nf_ta_def)
    have "lb  BFun f qs" using reach assms(1) inst rule(2)
      using subt_less_eq_res_less_eq[OF _ lhs, of "ts ! i" "term.args l ! i" "qs ! i" for i]
      by (cases l) (auto elim!: bless_eq.cases intro!: bless_eq.step)
    then show ?thesis using lhs rule by (auto simp: nf_ta_def nf_rules_def)
  qed (metis ground ground.simps(1))

lemma ta_nf_tr_to_state:
  assumes "ground t" and "q ∈ ta_res (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars t)"
  shows "q ∈ states R" using assms
  by (cases t) (auto simp: nf_ta_def nf_rules_def)

lemma ta_nf_sound2:
  assumes fin: "finite R" and linear: "∀ l ∈ R. linear_term l"
    and "ground (t :: ('f, 'v) term)" and "funas_term t ⊆ ℱ"
    and NF: "⋀ l s. l ∈ R ⟹ t ⊵ s ⟹ ¬ lb s"
  shows "∃ q. q ∈ ta_res (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars t)" using assms(3 - 5)
proof (induct t)
  case (Fun f ts)
  have sub: "⋀ i. i < length ts ⟹ (⋀l s. l ∈ R ⟹ ts ! i ⊵ s ⟹ ¬ lb s) " using Fun(4) nth_mem by blast
  from Fun(1)[OF nth_mem] this Fun(2, 3) obtain qs where
    reach: "(∀ i < length ts. qs ! i ∈ ta_res (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars (ts ! i)))" and len: "length qs = length ts"
    using Ex_list_of_length_P[of "length ts" "λ x i. x ∈ (ta_res (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars (ts ! i)))"]
    by auto (meson UN_subset_iff nth_mem)
  have nt_inst: "¬ (∃ s ∈ R. sb BFun f qs)"
  proof (rule ccontr, simp)
    assume ass: "∃ s ∈ R. sb BFun f qs"
    from term_instance_of_reach_state[of "qs ! i" R  "ts ! i" for i] reach Fun(2) len
    have "BFun f qs ≤b Fun f ts" by auto
    then show False using ass Fun(4) bless_eq_trans by blast
  obtain q where "bound_max q (BFun f qs) (states R)"
    using bound_max_exists[OF assms(1), of "BFun f qs"] by blast
  then have "f qs → q ∈ ta_rules (nf_ta R ℱ)" using Fun(2 - 4)
    using ta_nf_tr_to_state[of "ts ! i" "qs ! i" R  for i] len nt_inst reach
    by (auto simp: nf_ta_def nf_rules_def) (metis (no_types, lifting) in_set_idx nth_mem)
  then show ?case using reach len by auto
qed auto

lemma ta_nf_lang_sound:
  assumes "l ∈ R"
  shows "C⟨l ⋅ σ⟩ ∉ ta_lang (nf_ta R ℱ)"
proof (rule ccontr, simp)
  assume *: "C⟨l⋅σ⟩ ∈ ta_lang (nf_ta R ℱ)"
  then have cgr:"ground (C⟨l⋅σ⟩)" unfolding ta_lang_def by force
  then have gr: "ground (l ⋅ σ)" by simp
  then have  "lb (l ⋅ σ)" using instance_to_bless_eq by blast 
  from ta_nf_sound1[OF gr assms this] have res: "ta_res (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars (l ⋅ σ)) = {}" .
  from ta_langE2 * obtain q where "q ∈ ta_res (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars (C⟨l⋅σ⟩))" by blast
  with ta_res_ctxt_decompose[OF this[unfolded adapt_vars_ctxt]] res show False by blast

lemma ta_nf_lang_complete:
  assumes fin: "finite (R :: ('f, 'v) term set)" and linear: "∀l ∈ R. linear_term l"
      and ground: "ground (t :: ('f, 'v) term)" and sig: "funas_term t ⊆ ℱ"
      and nf: "⋀C σ l. l ∈ R ⟹ C⟨l⋅σ⟩ ≠ t"
    shows "t ∈ ta_lang (nf_ta R ℱ)"
proof -
  from nf have "⋀ l s. l ∈ R ⟹ t ⊵ s ⟹ ¬ lb s"
    using bless_eq_to_instance linear by blast 
  from ta_nf_sound2[OF fin linear ground sig] this
  obtain q where "q ∈ ta_res (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars t)" by blast
  from this ta_nf_tr_to_state[OF ground this] show ?thesis
    by (intro ta_langI2[OF ground], auto simp add: nf_ta_def)
