text ‹Trivialities›
theory Basic_Utils
imports TRS.Trs Deriving.Compare_Order_Instances TRS.Multihole_Context
lemma rtrancl_Un2_separatorE:
"B O A = {} ⟹ (A ∪ B)⇧* = A⇧* ∪ A⇧* O B⇧*"
by (metis R_O_Id empty_subsetI relcomp_distrib rtrancl_U_push rtrancl_reflcl_absorb sup_commute)
lemma sum_list_drop:
assumes "sum_list (x # xs) = length ys"
shows "sum_list xs = length (drop x ys)"
using assms by (induct xs arbitrary: ys) auto
lemma sum_list_relativ_idx_length:
assumes "sum_list xs = length ys"
and "i < length xs" and "sum_list (drop i xs) > 0"
shows "sum_list (take i xs) < length ys"
using assms
proof (induction xs arbitrary: ys)
case (Cons x xs)
then show ?case
by (cases i, auto) (metis add_strict_left_mono append_take_drop_id less_add_same_cancel1 sum_list.append)
qed auto
lemma sum_list_drop_greater_nth:
assumes "i < length (xs :: nat list)"
shows "xs ! i ≤ sum_list (drop i xs)"
using assms
proof (induct xs arbitrary: i)
case (Cons a xs)
then show ?case by (cases i) auto
qed auto
lemma take1_drop [simp]:
assumes "sum_list (take i ys) < length xs"
shows "take (Suc 0) (drop (sum_list (take i ys)) xs) = [xs ! (sum_list (take i ys))]"
using assms by (metis Cons_nth_drop_Suc take0 take_Suc_Cons)
lemma fill_holes_MHole2 [simp]:
assumes "sum_list (map num_holes cs) = length ss" and "i < length cs" and "cs ! i = MHole"
shows "fill_holes (cs ! i) (partition_holes ss cs ! i) = ss ! (sum_list (take i (map num_holes cs)))"
using assms sum_list_drop_greater_nth[of i "map num_holes cs"] partition_by_nth[of i "map num_holes cs" ss]
using sum_list_relativ_idx_length[OF assms(1), of i]
by auto
lemma fill_holes_MHole_length:
assumes "sum_list (map num_holes cs) = length ss" and "i < length cs" and "cs ! i = MHole"
shows "sum_list (take i (map num_holes cs)) < length ss"
using assms sum_list_drop_greater_nth[of i "map num_holes cs"]
using sum_list_relativ_idx_length[OF assms(1)]
by auto
lemma gmctxt_no_holes_gterm:
assumes "num_holes C = 0" and "ground_mctxt C"
shows "ground (term_of_mctxt C)"
using assms by (induct C) auto
lemma fill_holes_empty_id [simp]:
assumes "num_holes C = 0"
shows "fill_holes C [] = term_of_mctxt C"
using assms by (metis mctxt_of_term_fill_holes mctxt_of_term_term_of_mctxt_id)
lemma map_append_Cons_nth:
assumes "i < Suc (length xs + length ys)"
shows "(map f xs @ f x # map f ys) ! i = f ((xs @ x # ys) ! i)"
using assms by (auto simp: nth_append_Cons)
lemma linear_term_comb_subst:
assumes "linear_term (Fun f ss)"
and "length ss = length ts"
and "⋀ i. i < length ts ⟹ ss ! i ⋅ σ i = ts ! i"
shows "∃ σ. Fun f ss ⋅ σ = Fun f ts"
using assms subst_merge[of ss "σ"]
apply auto apply (rule_tac x = σ' in exI)
apply (intro nth_equalityI) apply auto
by (metis term_subst_eq)
lemmas construct_exI' = Ex_list_of_length_P
lemma construct_exI'_double:
assumes "∀i < n. ∃x y. P x y i"
shows "∃xs ys. length xs = n ∧ length ys = n ∧ (∀i < n. P (xs ! i) (ys ! i) i)"
proof -
from assms obtain f g where "P (f i) (g i) i" if "i < n" for i using assms by metis
then show ?thesis by (intro exI[of _ "map _ [0..<n]"]) auto
lemma construct_exI'_quadraple:
assumes "∀i < n. ∃x y z w. P x y z w i"
shows "∃xs ys zs ws. length xs = n ∧ length ys = n ∧ length zs = n ∧ length ws = n
∧ (∀i < n. P (xs ! i) (ys ! i) (zs!i) (ws!i) i)"
proof -
from assms obtain f1 f2 f3 f4 where "P (f1 i) (f2 i) (f3 i) (f4 i) i" if "i < n" for i using assms
by metis
then show ?thesis by (intro exI[of _ "map _ [0..<n]"]) auto
lemma construct_exI:
assumes "∀i < n. ∃xs. P (xs ! i) i"
shows "∃xs. length xs = n ∧ (∀i < n. P (xs ! i) i)"
proof -
guess xss using construct_exI'[OF assms] by (elim exE)
then show ?thesis by (intro exI[of _ "map (λi. xss ! i ! i) [0..<n]"]) auto
definition right_ground_trs :: "('f, 'v) trs ⇒ bool" where
"right_ground_trs R ≡ ∀(l, r) ∈ R. ground r"
definition ground_trs :: "('f, 'v) trs ⇒ bool" where
"ground_trs R ≡ ∀(l, r) ∈ R. ground l ∧ ground r"
lemma ground_imp_right_ground_trs [simp]:
"ground_trs R ⟹ right_ground_trs R"
unfolding ground_trs_def right_ground_trs_def by fast
definition set_to_list :: "'a set ⇒ 'a list"
where "set_to_list s = (SOME l. set l = s)"
lemma set_set_to_list:
"finite s ⟹ set (set_to_list s) = s"
unfolding set_to_list_def by (metis (mono_tags) finite_list some_eq_ex)
thm "finite_lists_length_eq"
lemma assumes "(n::nat) ≥ 1"
shows "∀i < (n::nat). i ∈ {0..(n-1)}"
using assms by auto
fixes n::"nat"
assumes "n ≥ 1" "infinite S"
"∀ls ∈ S. length ls = n"
shows "∃i < n. infinite {(ls!i)|ls. ls ∈ S}"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume " ¬ (∃i<n. infinite {ls ! i |ls. ls ∈ S})"
hence fin_all:"∀i ∈ {(0::nat)..n - 1}. finite {ls ! i |ls. ls ∈ S}" using assms(1) by auto
define F where "F = (⋃i∈{0..(n-1)}. {ls ! i |ls. ls ∈ S})"
hence F:"F = (UNION {0..n - 1} (λ i.{ls ! i |ls. ls ∈ S}))" by auto
have 0:"finite {0..(n-1)}" by auto
have fin:"finite F" using finite_UN[OF 0] fin_all F by simp
hence fin_ss:"finite {xs. set xs ⊆ F ∧ length xs = n}"
using finite_lists_length_eq[OF fin] by auto
have "∀ls ∈ S.∀ i < length ls. ls!i ∈ F" using F assms by fastforce
hence "S ⊆ {xs. set xs ⊆ F ∧ length xs = n}" using assms(3)
using in_set_idx by force
hence "finite S" using fin_ss
using finite_subset by auto
thus False using assms(2) by simp
lemma list_pigeonhole:
fixes n::"nat"
assumes "n ≥ 1" "infinite S"
"∀ls ∈ S. length ls = n"
shows "∃i < n. infinite {(ls!i)|ls. ls ∈ S}"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume " ¬ (∃i<n. infinite {ls ! i |ls. ls ∈ S})"
hence fin_all:"∀i ∈ {(0::nat)..n - 1}. finite {ls ! i |ls. ls ∈ S}" using assms(1) by auto
define F where "F = (⋃i∈{0..(n-1)}. {ls ! i |ls. ls ∈ S})"
hence F:"F = (UNION {0..n - 1} (λ i.{ls ! i |ls. ls ∈ S}))" by auto
have 0:"finite {0..(n-1)}" by auto
have fin:"finite F" using finite_UN[OF 0] fin_all F by simp
hence fin_ss:"finite {xs. set xs ⊆ F ∧ length xs = n}"
using finite_lists_length_eq[OF fin] by auto
have "∀ls ∈ S.∀ i < length ls. ls!i ∈ F" using F assms by fastforce
hence "S ⊆ {xs. set xs ⊆ F ∧ length xs = n}" using assms(3)
using in_set_idx by force
hence "finite S" using fin_ss
using finite_subset by auto
thus False using assms(2) by simp
lemma tail_list_pigeonhole:
assumes "n > m" "m ≥ 1"
"∀ls ∈ S. length ls = n"
"∀i < m. finite {((ls::'a list)!i) | ls . ls ∈ (S::'a list set)}"
"infinite S"
shows "∃i ≥ m. infinite {(ls!i)|ls . ls ∈ S}"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬(∃i ≥ m. infinite {(ls!i)|ls . ls ∈ S})"
hence "∀i ≥ m. finite {(ls!i)|ls . ls ∈ S}" by auto
hence fin_all:"∀i < n. finite {(ls!i)|ls . ls ∈ S}" using assms(1,3,4)
by (meson not_le)
hence fin_all:"∀i ∈ {0..(n-1)}. finite {(ls!i)|ls . ls ∈ S}" using assms(1,2) by auto
define F where "F = (⋃i∈{0..(n-1)}. {ls ! i |ls. ls ∈ S})"
hence F:"F = (UNION {0..n - 1} (λ i.{ls ! i |ls. ls ∈ S}))" by auto
have 0:"finite {0..(n-1)}" by auto
have fin:"finite F" using finite_UN[OF 0] fin_all F by simp
hence fin_ss:"finite {xs. set xs ⊆ F ∧ length xs = n}"
using finite_lists_length_eq[OF fin] by auto
have "∀ls ∈ S.∀ i < length ls. ls!i ∈ F" using F assms by fastforce
hence "S ⊆ {xs. set xs ⊆ F ∧ length xs = n}" using assms(3)
using in_set_idx by force
hence "finite S" using fin_ss
using finite_subset by auto
thus False using assms(5) by simp
lemma trancl_full_on:
"(X × X)⇧+ = X × X"
using trancl_unfold_left[of "X × X"] trancl_unfold_right[of "X × X"] by auto
lemma Restr_simps:
"R ⊆ X × X ⟹ Restr (R⇧+) X = R⇧+"
"R ⊆ X × X ⟹ Restr Id X O R = R"
"R ⊆ X × X ⟹ R O Restr Id X = R"
"R ⊆ X × X ⟹ S ⊆ X × X ⟹ Restr (R O S) X = R O S"
"R ⊆ X × X ⟹ R⇧+ ⊆ X × X"
subgoal using trancl_mono_set[of R "X × X"] by (auto simp: trancl_full_on)
subgoal by auto
subgoal by auto
subgoal by auto
subgoal using trancl_subset_Sigma .
lemma inj_on_by_inj:
"inj f ⟹ inj_on f X"
unfolding inj_on_def by auto
lemma kleene_induct:
"A ⊆ X ⟹ B O X ⊆ X ⟹ X O C ⊆ X ⟹ B⇧* O A O C⇧* ⊆ X"
using relcomp_mono[OF compat_tr_compat[of B X] subset_refl, of "C⇧*"] compat_tr_compat[of "C¯" "X¯"]
relcomp_mono[OF relcomp_mono, OF subset_refl _ subset_refl, of A X "B⇧*" "C⇧*"]
unfolding rtrancl_converse converse_relcomp[symmetric] converse_mono by blast
lemma swap_trancl:
"(prod.swap ` R)⇧+ = prod.swap ` (R⇧+)"
proof -
have [simp]: "prod.swap ` X = X¯" for X by auto
show ?thesis by (simp add: trancl_converse)
lemma swap_rtrancl:
"(prod.swap ` R)⇧* = prod.swap ` (R⇧*)"
proof -
have [simp]: "prod.swap ` X = X¯" for X by auto
show ?thesis by (simp add: rtrancl_converse)
subsection ‹map finite set to natural numbers›
definition map_set_to_nat :: "('a :: linorder) set ⇒ 'a ⇒ nat" where
"map_set_to_nat X = (λx. the (mem_idx x (sorted_list_of_set X)))"
lemma map_set_to_nat_inj:
assumes "finite X"
shows "inj_on (map_set_to_nat X) X"
proof -
{ fix x y assume "x ∈ X" "y ∈ X"
then have "x ∈ set (sorted_list_of_set X)" "y ∈ set (sorted_list_of_set X)"
using set_sorted_list_of_set[OF assms] by simp_all
note this[unfolded mem_idx_sound]
then have "x = y" if "map_set_to_nat X x = map_set_to_nat X y"
using that nth_eq_iff_index_eq[OF distinct_sorted_list_of_set[of X]]
by (force dest: mem_idx_sound_output simp: map_set_to_nat_def) }
then show ?thesis by (simp add: inj_on_def)
abbreviation map_both where
"map_both f ≡ map_prod f f"
lemma trancl_map_prod_mono:
"map_both f ` R⇧+ ⊆ (map_both f ` R)⇧+"
proof -
have "(f x, f y) ∈ (map_both f ` R)⇧+" if "(x, y) ∈ R⇧+" for x y using that
by (induct) (auto intro: trancl_into_trancl)
then show ?thesis by auto
lemma trancl_map_both_Restr:
assumes "inj_on f X"
shows "(map_both f ` Restr R X)⇧+ = map_both f ` (Restr R X)⇧+"
proof -
have [simp]:
"map_prod (inv_into X f ∘ f) (inv_into X f ∘ f) ` Restr R X = Restr R X"
using inv_into_f_f[OF assms]
apply (intro equalityI subrelI)
apply (auto simp: comp_def map_prod_def image_def)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) IntI SigmaI case_prod_conv)
have [simp]:
"map_prod (f ∘ inv_into X f) (f ∘ inv_into X f) ` (map_both f ` Restr R X)⇧+ = (map_both f ` Restr R X)⇧+"
using f_inv_into_f[of _ f X] subsetD[OF trancl_mono_set[OF image_mono[of "Restr R X" "X × X" "map_both f"]]]
by (intro equalityI subrelI) (auto simp: map_prod_surj_on trancl_full_on comp_def rev_image_eqI)
show ?thesis using assms trancl_map_prod_mono[of f "Restr R X"]
image_mono[OF trancl_map_prod_mono[of "inv_into X f" "map_both f ` Restr R X"], of "map_both f"]
by (intro equalityI) (simp_all add: image_comp map_prod.comp)
lemmas trancl_map_both = trancl_map_both_Restr[of _ UNIV, unfolded UNIV_Times_UNIV Int_UNIV_right]
lemma map_both_relcomp:
"inj_on f (snd ` A ∪ fst ` B) ⟹ map_both f ` A O map_both f ` B = map_both f ` (A O B)"
by (force simp: inj_on_def intro: rev_image_eqI)
lemma subterm_set_finite:
shows "finite {t . s ⊳ t}"
proof (induction s)
case (Var x) have [simp]: "{t. Var x ⊳ t} = {}" by auto
then show ?case by auto
case (Fun f ts)
have "{t. Fun f ts ⊳ t} = (set ts) ∪ {t | s t. s ∈ set ts ∧ s ⊳ t}" by auto
moreover have "finite {t | s t. s ∈ set ts ∧ s ⊳ t}" using Fun by auto
ultimately show ?case by auto