Usage ----- ./fort-s [OPTION]... FORMULA [FILE.trs]... Synthesize one or more systems with property FORMULA. OPTIONS ------- -h, -? --help print usage information --verbose, --history activate additional history output -l --lv search for linear variable separated ES -n NUM --num=NUM number of systems to synthesise, default: 1 -S STRING --signature=STRING signature, default: creates sig with sigstep (-s) -a STRING --arity=STRING signature with arities, default: creates sig with sigstep (-s) -s NUM --sigStep=NUM steps to generate default signature, default: 2 -A NUM --maxArity=NUM maximal arity in generated signature, default: 3 -D NUM --maxDepth=NUM maximum depth, default: 3 -r NUM --minNumRules=NUM minimum number of rules, default: 0 -R NUM --maxNumRules=NUM maximum number of rules, default: 3 -v NUM --vars=NUM maximum number of variables, default: 1 -j NUM --jobs=NUM set number of jobs to run in parallel, default: 1 FILE Syntax ----------- The TRS file syntax follows the format used by COPS TRS format: It also support two TRSs per FILE with the COM format COM format: FORMULA Syntax -------------- The syntax for is given by the following BNF: = | '~' | ( ) | | | | {+ } | ( ) = '&' | '|' | '=>' | '<=>' = forall | exists = '->' | '->=' | '->+' | '->*' | '->!' | '-||->' | '->e' | '->be' | '->e+' | '->be+' | '->e*' | '->be*' | '<->' | '<->*' | 'join' | 'meet' | '=' | '<-' | '=<-' | '+<-' | '*<-' | '<-!' | '<-||-' | 'e<-' | 'be<-' | '+e<-' | '+be<-' | '*e<-' | '*be<-' | '->e=' | '->be=' | '=e<-' | '=be<-' = | = CR | WCR | SCR | NFP | UNC | UNR | WN | SN | GCR | GWCR | GSCR | GNFP | GUNC | GUNR | ( , ) = COM | GCOM | CE | GCE | NE | GNE = ( ) | (, ) = CR | WCR | WN | NFP | SN | NF | SCR | UNR = INF | FIN = | '~' | | ( ) = '['']' Here denotes a natural number, and any nonempty sequence of alphanumeric symbols starting with a letter. and are comma separated lists of s or s. Any denotes the expected rewrite relation. The addition of 'e' (as in '->e') denotes rewriting at the root, 'be' ('->be') below the root.