Theory GTT_Compose_Impl

theory GTT_Compose_Impl
imports GTT_Compose GTT_Impl Horn_List
theory GTT_Compose_Impl
  imports GTT_Compose GTT_Impl Horn_List

inductive_set Δε' :: "('p, 'f) ta ⇒ ('q, 'f) ta ⇒ ('p × 'q) set" for A B where
  Δε'_cong: "f ps → p ∈ ta_rules A ⟹ f qs → q ∈ ta_rules B ⟹ length ps = length qs ⟹
   (⋀i. i < length qs ⟹ (ps ! i, qs ! i) ∈ Δε' A B) ⟹ (p, q) ∈ Δε' A B"
| Δε'_eps1: "(p, p') ∈ ta_eps A ⟹ (p, q) ∈ Δε' A B ⟹ (p', q) ∈ Δε' A B"
| Δε'_eps2: "(q, q') ∈ ta_eps B ⟹ (p, q) ∈ Δε' A B ⟹ (p, q') ∈ Δε' A B"

lemma Δε_eq_Δε' [code_unfold]:
  ε A B = Δε' A B"
proof (intro set_eqI iffI, goal_cases lr rl)
  case (lr x) obtain p q where x [simp]: "x = (p, q)" by (cases x)
  obtain t where "ground t" "p ∈ ta_res A t" "q ∈ ta_res B t" using lr by (auto simp: Δε_def)
  then show ?case unfolding x
  proof (induct t arbitrary: p q)
    case (Fun f ts)
    obtain p' ps where p': "f ps → p' ∈ ta_rules A" "(p', p) ∈ (ta_eps A)*" "length ps = length ts"
      "⋀i. i < length ts ⟹ ps ! i ∈ ta_res A (ts ! i)" using Fun(3) by auto
    obtain q' qs where q': "f qs → q' ∈ ta_rules B" "(q', q) ∈ (ta_eps B)*" "length qs = length ts"
      "⋀i. i < length ts ⟹ qs ! i ∈ ta_res B (ts ! i)" using Fun(4) by auto
    have "(p', q') ∈ Δε' A B"
      using Fun(1)[OF nth_mem _ p'(4) q'(4)] Fun(2) Δε'_cong[OF p'(1) q'(1)] p'(3) q'(3) by auto
    with p'(2) have "(p, q') ∈ Δε' A B" by (induct) (auto intro: Δε'_eps1)
    with q'(2) show "(p, q)  ∈ Δε' A B" by (induct) (auto intro: Δε'_eps2)
  qed auto
  case (rl x) obtain p q where x [simp]: "x = (p, q)" by (cases x)
  have "∃t. ground t ∧ p ∈ ta_res A t ∧ q ∈ ta_res B t" using rl unfolding x
  proof (induct)
    case (Δε'_cong f ps p qs q)
    obtain ts where ts: "ground (ts i) ∧ ps ! i ∈ ta_res A (ts i) ∧ qs ! i ∈ ta_res B (ts i)"
      if "i < length qs" for i using Δε'_cong(5) by metis
    then show ?case using Δε'_cong(1-3)
      by (auto intro!: exI[of _ "Fun f (map ts [0..<length qs])"]) blast+
  qed (auto intro: ta_res_eps)
  then show ?case by (auto simp: Δε_def)

definition Δε'_rules :: "('p, 'f) ta ⇒ ('q, 'f) ta ⇒ ('p × 'q) horn set" where
  ε'_rules A B =
    {zip ps qs →h (p, q) |f ps p qs q. f ps → p ∈ ta_rules A ∧ f qs → q ∈ ta_rules B ∧ length ps = length qs} ∪
    {[(p, q)] →h (p', q) |p p' q. (p, p') ∈ ta_eps A} ∪
    {[(p, q)] →h (p, q') |p q q'. (q, q') ∈ ta_eps B}"

locale Δε'_horn =
  fixes A :: "('p, 'f) ta" and B :: "('q, 'f) ta"

sublocale horn ε'_rules A B" .

lemma Δε'_sound:
  ε' A B = saturate"
proof (intro set_eqI iffI, goal_cases lr rl)
  case (lr x) obtain p q where x: "x = (p, q)" by (cases x)
  show ?case using lr unfolding x
  proof (induct)
    case (Δε'_cong f ps p qs q) show ?case
      apply (intro infer[of "zip ps qs" "(p, q)"])
      subgoal using Δε'_cong(1-3) by (auto simp: Δε'_rules_def)
      subgoal using Δε'_cong(3,5) by (auto simp: zip_nth_conv)
    case (Δε'_eps1 p p' q) then show ?case
      by (intro infer[of "[(p, q)]" "(p', q)"]) (auto simp: Δε'_rules_def)
    case (Δε'_eps2 q q' p) then show ?case
      by (intro infer[of "[(p, q)]" "(p, q')"]) (auto simp: Δε'_rules_def)
  case (rl x) obtain p q where x: "x = (p, q)" by (cases x)
  show ?case using rl unfolding x
  proof (induct)
    case (infer as a) then show ?case
      using Δε'_cong[of _ "map fst as" "fst a" A "map snd as" "snd a" B]
        Δε'_eps1[of _ "fst a" A "snd a" B] Δε'_eps2[of _ "snd a" B "fst a" A]
      by (auto simp: Δε'_rules_def)


definition Δε'_infer0 where
  ε'_infer0 A B = map (map_prod r_rhs r_rhs) (
     filter (λ(ra, rb). case (ra, rb) of (f ps → p, g qs → q) ⇒ f = g ∧ ps = [] ∧ qs = []) (List.product (tal_rules A) (tal_rules B)))"

definition Δε'_infer1 :: "('p, 'f) ta_list ⇒ ('q, 'f) ta_list ⇒ 'p × 'q ⇒ ('p × 'q) list ⇒ ('p × 'q) list" where
  ε'_infer1 A B pq bs =
    map (map_prod r_rhs r_rhs) (filter (λ(ra, rb). case (ra, rb) of (f ps → p, g qs → q) ⇒ f = g ∧ length ps = length qs ∧ (fst pq, snd pq) ∈ set (zip ps qs) ∧ set (zip ps qs) ⊆ set ((fst pq, snd pq) # bs)) (List.product (tal_rules A) (tal_rules B))) @
    map (λ(p, p'). (p', snd pq)) (filter (λ(p, p') ⇒ p = fst pq) (tal_eps A)) @
    map (λ(q, q'). (fst pq, q')) (filter (λ(q, q') ⇒ q = snd pq) (tal_eps B))"

locale Δε'_list =
  fixes A :: "('p, 'f) ta_list" and B :: "('q, 'f) ta_list"

sublocale Δε'_horn "ta_of A" "ta_of B" .

sublocale horn_list ε'_rules (ta_of A) (ta_of B)" ε'_infer0 A B" ε'_infer1 A B"
  (* TODO: clean up messy and brittle proof *)
  apply (unfold_locales)
  unfolding Δε'_rules_def horn_infer0_union horn_infer1_union
  unfolding horn.infer0_def horn.infer1_def Δε'_infer0_def Δε'_infer1_def set_append Un_assoc[symmetric]
    apply (subst HOL.trans[OF Un_empty_right Un_empty_right, symmetric, of "set _"])
    apply (intro arg_cong2[of _ _ _ _ "op ∪"])
      apply (auto cong: conj_cong simp del: ex_simps(1) simp: ex_simps(1)[symmetric] simp: r_rhs_def split: ta_rule.splits)
      subgoal for f ps p qs q by (rule image_eqI[where x = "(f ps → p, f qs → q)"]) (cases ps; cases qs, auto)+
      subgoal for f p q by (auto intro!: exI[of _ f] exI[of _ "[]"])
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal by auto
  subgoal for x bs
    apply (cases x)
    apply (intro arg_cong2[of _ _ _ _ "op ∪"])
    subgoal for p' q'
      apply (auto cong: conj_cong simp del: ex_simps(1) simp: ex_simps(1)[symmetric] simp: r_rhs_def[abs_def])
      subgoal for f ps p qs q by (rule image_eqI[where x = "(f ps → p, f qs → q)"]) auto
      subgoal by (auto split: ta_rule.splits)
    subgoal by (auto cong: conj_cong simp del: ex_simps(1) simp: ex_simps(1)[symmetric])
    subgoal by (auto cong: conj_cong simp del: ex_simps(1) simp: ex_simps(1)[symmetric])

lemmas saturate_impl_sound = saturate_impl_sound
lemmas saturate_impl_complete = saturate_impl_complete


definition Δε'_impl :: "('p, 'f) ta_list ⇒ ('q, 'f) ta_list ⇒ ('p × 'q) list option" where
  ε'_impl A B = horn_list_impl.saturate_impl (Δε'_infer0 A B) (Δε'_infer1 A B)"

lemma Δε'_impl_sound:
  ε'_impl A B = Some xs ⟹ set xs = Δε' (ta_of A) (ta_of B)"
  using Δε'_list.saturate_impl_sound unfolding Δε'_impl_def Δε'_horn.Δε'_sound .

lemma Δε'_impl_complete:
  fixes A B :: "('q, 'f) ta_list"
  shows ε'_impl A B ≠ None"
proof -
  have *: ε (ta_of A) (ta_of B) ⊆ ta_states (ta_of A) × ta_states (ta_of B)"
    by (auto simp: Δε_def ta_of_def subsetD[OF ta_res_states])
  have "finite (Δε (ta_of A) (ta_of B))"
    by (cases A; cases B; rule finite_subset[OF *])
      (auto simp: ta_of_def ta_states_def r_states_def intro!: finite_cartesian_product)
  then show ?thesis unfolding Δε'_impl_def
    by (intro Δε'_list.saturate_impl_complete) (auto simp: Δε'_horn.Δε'_sound Δε_eq_Δε')

definition GTT_comp_impl :: "('p, 'f) gtt_list ⇒ ('p, 'f) gtt_list ⇒ (_, 'f) gtt_list option" where
  "GTT_comp_impl G1 G2 = (case (Δε'_impl (snd G1) (fst G2), Δε'_impl (fst G2) (snd G1)) of
     (Some xs, Some ys) ⇒ Some
     (ta_list [] (tal_rules (fst G1) @ tal_rules (fst G2)) (tal_eps (fst G1) @ tal_eps (fst G2) @ xs),
      ta_list [] (tal_rules (snd G1) @ tal_rules (snd G2)) (tal_eps (snd G1) @ tal_eps (snd G2) @ ys))
     | _ ⇒ None

lemma GTT_comp_impl_sound:
  "GTT_comp_impl G1 G2 = Some G ⟹ gtt_of G = GTT_comp (gtt_of G1) (gtt_of G2)"
  by (auto simp: GTT_comp_def GTT_comp_impl_def Δε_eq_Δε' split: option.splits dest!: Δε'_impl_sound
   intro!: ta_of_eq_ta_makeI)

lemma GTT_comp_impl_complete:
  "GTT_comp_impl G1 G2 ≠ None"
  using Δε'_impl_complete[of "snd G1" "fst G2"] Δε'_impl_complete[of "fst G2" "snd G1"]
  by (auto simp: GTT_comp_impl_def)

export_code GTT_comp_impl checking SML
export_code GTT_comp_impl in Haskell
