theory NF imports TR.Tree_Automata UL.Basic_Utils UL.Saturation Bot_Terms TRS.Trs_Impl begin interpretation lift_total: semilattice_closure_partial_operator "λ x y. (x, y) ∈ mergeP" "(↑)" "λ x y. x ≤⇩b y" Bot apply unfold_locales apply (auto simp: merge_refl merge_symmetric merge_terms_assoc merge_terms_idem merge_bot_args_bless_eq_merge) using merge_dist apply blast using megeP_ass apply blast using merge_terms_commutative apply blast apply (metis bless_eq_mergeP bless_eq_trans merge_bot_args_bless_eq_merge merge_dist merge_symmetric merge_terms_commutative) apply (metis merge_bot_args_bless_eq_merge merge_symmetric merge_terms_commutative) using bless_eq_closued_under_supremum bless_eq_trans bless_eq_anti_sym by blast+ "psubt_lhs_bot R ≡ {t^⊥ | s t. s ∈ R ∧ s ⊳ t}"">abbreviation "psubt_lhs_bot R ≡ {t⇧⊥ | s t. s ∈ R ∧ s ⊳ t}" "closure S ≡ S"">abbreviation "closure S ≡ S" definition states where "states R = insert Bot (closure (psubt_lhs_bot R))" lemma psubt_mono: "R ⊆ S ⟹ psubt_lhs_bot R ⊆ psubt_lhs_bot S" by auto lemma states_mono: "R ⊆ S ⟹ states R ⊆ states S" unfolding states_def using[OF psubt_mono[of R S]] by auto lemma finite_lhs_subt [simp, intro]: assumes "finite R" shows "finite (psubt_lhs_bot R)" proof - have conv: "psubt_lhs_bot R = term_to_bot_term ` {t | s t . s ∈ R ∧ s ⊳ t}" by auto from assms have "finite {t | s t . s ∈ R ∧ s ⊳ t}" by (simp add: subterm_set_finite) then show ?thesis using conv by auto qed lemma states_ref_closure: "states R ⊆ insert Bot (closure (psubt_lhs_bot R))" unfolding states_def by auto lemma finite_R_finite_states [simp, intro]: "finite R ⟹ finite (states R)" using finite_lhs_subt states_ref_closure using finite_subset by fastforce "lift_sup_small s S ≡ lift_total.supremum (lift_total.smaller_subset (Some s) (Some ` S))"">abbreviation "lift_sup_small s S ≡ lift_total.supremum (lift_total.smaller_subset (Some s) (Some ` S))" "bound_max s S ≡ the (lift_sup_small s S)"">abbreviation "bound_max s S ≡ the (lift_sup_small s S)" lemma bound_max_state_set: assumes "finite R" shows "bound_max t (psubt_lhs_bot R) ∈ states R" using lift_total.supremum_neut_or_in_closure[OF finite_lhs_subt[OF assms], of t] unfolding states_def by auto context includes fset.lifting begin lift_definition fstates :: "('a, 'b) term fset ⇒ 'a bot_term fset" is states by simp lemma bound_max_state_fset: "bound_max t (psubt_lhs_bot (fset R)) |∈| fstates R" using bound_max_state_set[of "fset R" t] using fstates.rep_eq notin_fset by fastforce end definition nf_rules where "nf_rules R ℱ = {|TA_rule f qs q | f qs q. (f, length qs) |∈| ℱ ∧ fset_of_list qs |⊆| fstates R ∧ ¬(∃ l |∈| R. l⇧⊥ ≤⇩b BFun f qs) ∧ q = bound_max (BFun f qs) (psubt_lhs_bot (fset R))|}" lemma nf_rules_fmember: "TA_rule f qs q |∈| nf_rules R ℱ ⟷ (f, length qs) |∈| ℱ ∧ fset_of_list qs |⊆| fstates R ∧ ¬(∃ l |∈| R. l⇧⊥ ≤⇩b BFun f qs) ∧ q = bound_max (BFun f qs) (psubt_lhs_bot (fset R))" proof - let ?subP = "λ n qs. fset_of_list qs |⊆| fstates R ∧ length qs = n" let ?sub = "λ n. Collect (?subP n)" have *: "finite (?sub n)" for n using finite_lists_length_eq[of "fset (fstates R)" n] by (simp add: less_eq_fset.rep_eq fset_of_list.rep_eq) {fix f n assume mem: "(f, n) ∈ fset ℱ" have **: "{f} × (?sub n) = {(f, qs) |qs. ?subP n qs}" by auto from mem have "finite {(f, qs) |qs. ?subP n qs}" using * using finite_cartesian_product[OF _ *[of n], of "{f}"] unfolding ** by simp} then have *: "finite (⋃ (f, n) ∈ fset ℱ . {(f, qs) | qs. ?subP n qs})" by auto have **: "(⋃ (f, n) ∈ fset ℱ . {(f, qs) | qs. ?subP n qs}) = {(f, qs) | f qs. (f, length qs) |∈| ℱ ∧ ?subP (length qs) qs}" by (auto simp: fmember.rep_eq) have *: "finite ({(f, qs) | f qs. (f, length qs) |∈| ℱ ∧ ?subP (length qs) qs} × fset (fstates R))" using * unfolding ** by (intro finite_cartesian_product) auto have **: "{TA_rule f qs q | f qs q. (f, length qs) |∈| ℱ ∧ fset_of_list qs |⊆| fstates R ∧ q |∈| fstates R} = (λ ((f, qs), q). TA_rule f qs q) ` ({(f, qs) | f qs. (f, length qs) |∈| ℱ ∧ ?subP (length qs) qs} × fset (fstates R))" by (auto simp: image_def fmember.rep_eq split!: prod.splits) have f: "finite {TA_rule f qs q | f qs q. (f, length qs) |∈| ℱ ∧ fset_of_list qs |⊆| fstates R ∧ q |∈| fstates R}" unfolding ** using * by auto show ?thesis by (auto simp: nf_rules_def bound_max_state_fset intro!: finite_subset[OF _ f]) qed definition nf_ta where "nf_ta R ℱ = TA (nf_rules R ℱ) {||}" definition nf_reg where "nf_reg R ℱ = Reg (fstates R) (nf_ta R ℱ)" lemma bound_max_sound: assumes "finite R" shows "bound_max t (psubt_lhs_bot R) ≤⇩b t" using assms lift_total.lift_ord.supremum_smaller_subset[of "Some ` psubt_lhs_bot R" "Some t"] by auto (metis (no_types, lifting) lift_less_eq_total.elims(2) option.sel option.simps(3)) lemma Bot_in_filter: "Bot ∈ Set.filter (λs. s ≤⇩b t) (states R)" by (auto simp: Set.filter_def states_def) lemma bound_max_exists: "∃ p. p = bound_max t (psubt_lhs_bot R)" by blast lemma bound_max_unique: assumes "p = bound_max t (psubt_lhs_bot R)" and "q = bound_max t (psubt_lhs_bot R)" shows "p = q" using assms by force lemma nf_rule_to_bound_max: "f qs → q |∈| nf_rules R ℱ ⟹ q = bound_max (BFun f qs) (psubt_lhs_bot (fset R))" by (auto simp: nf_rules_fmember) lemma nf_rules_unique: assumes "f qs → q |∈| nf_rules R ℱ" and "f qs → q' |∈| nf_rules R ℱ" shows "q = q'" using assms unfolding nf_rules_def using nf_rule_to_bound_max[OF assms(1)] nf_rule_to_bound_max[OF assms(2)] using bound_max_unique by blast lemma nf_ta_det: shows "ta_det (nf_ta R ℱ)" by (auto simp add: ta_det_def nf_ta_def nf_rules_unique) lemma term_instance_of_reach_state: assumes "q |∈| ta_der (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars t)" and "ground t" shows "q ≤⇩b t⇧⊥" using assms(1, 2) proof(induct t arbitrary: q) case (Fun f ts) from Fun(2) obtain qs where wit: "f qs → q |∈| nf_rules R ℱ" "length qs = length ts" "∀ i < length ts. qs ! i |∈| ta_der (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars (ts ! i))" by (auto simp add: nf_ta_def) then have "BFun f qs ≤⇩b Fun f ts⇧⊥" using Fun(1)[OF nth_mem, of i "qs !i" for i] using Fun(3) by auto then show ?case using bless_eq_trans wit(1) bound_max_sound[of "fset R"] by (auto simp: nf_rules_fmember) qed auto lemma [simp]: "i < length ss ⟹ l ⊳ Fun f ss ⟹ l ⊳ ss ! i" by (meson nth_mem subterm.dual_order.strict_trans supt.arg) lemma subt_less_eq_res_less_eq: assumes ground: "ground t" and "l |∈| R" and "l ⊳ s" and "s⇧⊥ ≤⇩b t⇧⊥" and "q |∈| ta_der (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars t)" shows "s⇧⊥ ≤⇩b q" using assms(2-) proof (induction t arbitrary: q s) case (Var x) then show ?case using lift_total.anti_sym by fastforce next case (Fun f ts) note IN = this from IN obtain qs where rule: "f qs → q |∈| nf_rules R ℱ" and reach: "length qs = length ts" "∀ i < length ts. qs ! i |∈| ta_der (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars (ts ! i))" by (auto simp add: nf_ta_def) have q: "lift_sup_small (BFun f qs) (psubt_lhs_bot (fset R)) = Some q" using nf_rule_to_bound_max[OF rule] using lift_total.supremum_smaller_exists_unique[OF finite_lhs_subt, of "fset R" "BFun f qs"] by simp (metis option.collapse option.distinct(1)) have subst: "s⇧⊥ ≤⇩b BFun f qs" using IN(1)[OF nth_mem, of i "term.args s ! i" "qs ! i" for i] IN(2-) reach by (cases s) (auto elim!: bless_eq.cases) have "s⇧⊥ ∈ psubt_lhs_bot (fset R)" using Fun(2 - 4) by auto (metis notin_fset) then have "lift_total.lifted_less_eq (Some (s⇧⊥)) (lift_sup_small (BFun f qs) (psubt_lhs_bot (fset R)))" using subst by (intro lift_total.lift_ord.supremum_sound) (auto simp: lift_total.lift_ord.smaller_subset_def) then show ?case using subst q finite_lhs_subt by auto qed lemma ta_nf_sound1: assumes ground: "ground t" and lhs: "l |∈| R" and inst: "l⇧⊥ ≤⇩b t⇧⊥" shows "ta_der (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars t) = {||}" proof (rule ccontr) assume ass: "ta_der (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars t) ≠ {||}" show False proof (cases t) case [simp]: (Fun f ts) from ass obtain q qs where fin: "q |∈| ta_der (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars (Fun f ts))" and rule: "(f qs → q) |∈| rules (nf_ta R ℱ)" "length qs = length ts" and reach: "∀ i < length ts. qs ! i |∈| ta_der (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars (ts ! i))" by (auto simp add: nf_ta_def) blast have "l⇧⊥ ≤⇩b BFun f qs" using reach assms(1) inst rule(2) using subt_less_eq_res_less_eq[OF _ lhs, of "ts ! i" "term.args l ! i" "qs ! i" ℱ for i] by (cases l) (auto elim!: bless_eq.cases intro!: bless_eq.step) then show ?thesis using lhs rule by (auto simp: nf_ta_def nf_rules_def) qed (metis ground ground.simps(1)) qed lemma ta_nf_tr_to_state: assumes "ground t" and "q |∈| ta_der (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars t)" shows "q |∈| fstates R" using assms bound_max_state_fset by (cases t) (auto simp: states_def nf_ta_def nf_rules_def) lemma ta_nf_sound2: assumes linear: "∀ l |∈| R. linear_term l" and "ground (t :: ('f, 'v) term)" and "funas_term t ⊆ fset ℱ" and NF: "⋀ l s. l |∈| R ⟹ t ⊵ s ⟹ ¬ l⇧⊥ ≤⇩b s⇧⊥" shows "∃ q. q |∈| ta_der (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars t)" using assms(2 - 4) proof (induct t) case (Fun f ts) have sub: "⋀ i. i < length ts ⟹ (⋀l s. l |∈| R ⟹ ts ! i ⊵ s ⟹ ¬ l⇧⊥ ≤⇩b s⇧⊥) " using Fun(4) nth_mem by blast from Fun(1)[OF nth_mem] this Fun(2, 3) obtain qs where reach: "(∀ i < length ts. qs ! i |∈| ta_der (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars (ts ! i)))" and len: "length qs = length ts" using Ex_list_of_length_P[of "length ts" "λ x i. x |∈| (ta_der (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars (ts ! i)))"] by auto (meson UN_subset_iff nth_mem) have nt_inst: "¬ (∃ s |∈| R. s⇧⊥ ≤⇩b BFun f qs)" proof (rule ccontr, simp) assume ass: "∃ s |∈| R. s⇧⊥ ≤⇩b BFun f qs" from term_instance_of_reach_state[of "qs ! i" R ℱ "ts ! i" for i] reach Fun(2) len have "BFun f qs ≤⇩b Fun f ts⇧⊥" by auto then show False using ass Fun(4) bless_eq_trans by blast qed obtain q where "q = bound_max (BFun f qs) (psubt_lhs_bot (fset R))" by blast then have "f qs → q |∈| rules (nf_ta R ℱ)" using Fun(2 - 4) using ta_nf_tr_to_state[of "ts ! i" "qs ! i" R ℱ for i] len nt_inst reach by (auto simp: nf_ta_def nf_rules_fmember, simp add: fmember.rep_eq) (metis (no_types, lifting) in_fset_idx nth_mem) then show ?case using reach len by auto qed auto lemma ta_nf_lang_sound: assumes "l |∈| R" shows "C⟨l ⋅ σ⟩ ∉ ta_lang (fstates R) (nf_ta R ℱ)" proof (rule ccontr, simp del: ta_lang_to_gta_lang) assume *: "C⟨l ⋅ σ⟩ ∈ ta_lang (fstates R) (nf_ta R ℱ)" then have cgr:"ground (C⟨l⋅σ⟩)" unfolding ta_lang_def by force then have gr: "ground (l ⋅ σ)" by simp then have "l⇧⊥ ≤⇩b (l ⋅ σ)⇧⊥" using instance_to_bless_eq by blast from ta_nf_sound1[OF gr assms(1) this] have res: "ta_der (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars (l ⋅ σ)) = {||}" . from ta_langE * obtain q where "q |∈| ta_der (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars (C⟨l⋅σ⟩))" by (metis adapt_vars_adapt_vars) with ta_der_ctxt_decompose[OF this[unfolded adapt_vars_ctxt]] res show False by blast qed lemma ta_nf_lang_complete: assumes linear: "∀ l |∈| R. linear_term l" and ground: "ground (t :: ('f, 'v) term)" and sig: "funas_term t ⊆ fset ℱ" and nf: "⋀C σ l. l |∈| R ⟹ C⟨l⋅σ⟩ ≠ t" shows "t ∈ ta_lang (fstates R) (nf_ta R ℱ)" proof - from nf have "⋀ l s. l |∈| R ⟹ t ⊵ s ⟹ ¬ l⇧⊥ ≤⇩b s⇧⊥" using bless_eq_to_instance linear by blast from ta_nf_sound2[OF linear ground sig] this obtain q where "q |∈| ta_der (nf_ta R ℱ) (adapt_vars t)" by blast from this ta_nf_tr_to_state[OF ground this] ground show ?thesis by (intro ta_langI) (auto simp add: nf_ta_def) qed lemma nf_ta_funas: assumes "ground t" "q |∈| ta_der (nf_ta R ℱ) t" shows "funas_term t ⊆ fset ℱ" using assms proof (induct t arbitrary: q) case (Fun f ts) from Fun(2-) have "(f, length ts) |∈| ℱ" by (auto simp: nf_ta_def nf_rules_def) then show ?case using Fun by (auto simp: fmember.rep_eq) (metis Fun.hyps Fun.prems(2) in_set_idx subsetD ta_der_Fun) qed auto lemma gta_lang_nf_ta_funas: assumes "t ∈ ℒ (nf_reg R ℱ)" shows "funas_gterm t ⊆ fset ℱ" using assms nf_ta_funas[of "term_of_gterm t" _ R ℱ] unfolding nf_reg_def ℒ_def by (auto simp: funas_term_of_gterm_conv) end