Theory GTT_TRS

theory GTT_TRS
imports GTT_Transitive_Closure
text ‹GTT for accepting parallel steps of a (left-linear, right-ground) TRS›

theory GTT_TRS
  imports GTT GTT_Transitive_Closure Tree_Automata_Utils

(* In this setup we use option types, The option Some x, plays the same role as e_x
in the text of the paper *)

type_synonym ('f, 'q) term_state = "('f, 'q) term option"

definition cmn_ta_rules :: "('f, 'v) term set ⇒ (('f, 'v) term option, 'f) ta_rule set" where
  "cmn_ta_rules T ≡ {f (map Some ts) → Some (Fun f ts) |f ts t. Fun f ts ⊴ t ∧ t ∈ T}"

definition TRS_fst :: "('f, 'v) trs ⇒ ('f, 'v) term set" where
  "TRS_fst Ts ≡ {fst R |R. R ∈ Ts} "

definition TRS_snd :: "('f, 'v) trs ⇒ ('f, 'v) term set" where
  "TRS_snd Ts ≡ {snd R |R. R ∈ Ts}"

definition TRS_terms :: "('f, 'v) trs ⇒ ('f, 'v) term set" where
  "TRS_terms Ts ≡ TRS_fst Ts ∪ TRS_snd Ts"

definition trs_to_ta_A :: "('f, 'v) trs ⇒ (('f, 'v) term option, 'f) ta" where
  "trs_to_ta_A Ts ≡ ta.make {}
    (cmn_ta_rules (TRS_terms Ts))
    {(Some l, Some r) |l r. (l, r) ∈ Ts}"

definition trs_to_ta_B :: "('f, 'v) trs ⇒ (('f, 'v) term option, 'f) ta" where
  "trs_to_ta_B Ts ≡ ta.make {}
    (cmn_ta_rules (TRS_terms Ts))
    {(Some r, Some l) |l r. (l,r) ∈ Ts}"

abbreviation abs :: "('f, 'v) term ⇒ ('f, ('f, 'v) term option) term" where
  "abs x ≡ adapt_vars x"

abbreviation rep :: "('f, ('f, 'v) term option) term ⇒ ('f, 'v) term" where
  "rep x ≡ adapt_vars x"

abbreviation abs_R :: "(('f, 'v) term × ('f, 'v) term) set ⇒
  (('f, ('f, 'v) term option) term × ('f, ('f, 'v) term option) term) set" where
  "abs_R R ≡ (λt. (abs (fst t), abs (snd t))) ` R"

lemma symmetry_in_G_D:
  "ta_rules (trs_to_ta_B R) = ta_rules (trs_to_ta_A R)"
  "ta_eps (trs_to_ta_B R) = (λt. (snd t, fst t)) ` ta_eps (trs_to_ta_A R)"
  unfolding trs_to_ta_B_def trs_to_ta_A_def by force+

(*Finiteness Theorems*)
lemma finite_embedding:
  assumes "finite R"
  shows "finite {(Some l, Some r) |l r. (l, r) ∈ R}"
proof -
  have "{(Some l, Some r) |l r. (l, r) ∈ R} = (λ(l, r). (Some l, Some r)) ` R"
    by auto
  then show ?thesis using assms by auto

lemma finite_collect:
  assumes "finite S"
  shows "finite {t |t w. t ⊴ w ∧ w ∈ S}"
proof -
 have "∀w ∈ S. finite {t. t ⊴ w}" using finite_subterms assms by auto
  hence "finite (⋃ ((λw. {t. t ⊴ w}) ` S))" using assms by blast
  moreover have "{t |t w. t ⊴ w ∧ w ∈ S} = ⋃ ((λw. {t. t ⊴ w}) ` S)"
    by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis by argo

lemma finite_ta_states:
  assumes "finite R"
  shows "finite (ta_states (trs_to_ta_A R))" "finite (ta_states (trs_to_ta_B R))"
proof -
  have eps: "finite (ta_eps (trs_to_ta_A R))" using assms finite_embedding[OF assms]
    unfolding trs_to_ta_A_def ta.make_def by auto
  moreover have rules: "finite (ta_rules (trs_to_ta_A R))"
  proof -
    have fin: "finite (TRS_terms R)" using assms unfolding TRS_terms_def TRS_fst_def TRS_snd_def
    proof -
      have "∀f. finite {t. ∃p. (t :: ('a, 'b) Term.term) = f p ∧ p ∈ R}"
        by (metis (no_types) Collect_mem_eq assms finite_image_set)
      then show "finite ({fst p |p. p ∈ R} ∪ {snd p |p. p ∈ R})"
        by blast
    let ?fts = "{Fun f ts |f ts t. (∃t ⊵ Fun f ts. t ∈ TRS_terms R)}"
    have fin_fun: "finite {Fun f ts |f ts t. ∃t ⊵ Fun f ts. t ∈ TRS_terms R}"
    proof -
      have "{uu. ∃f ts t. uu = Fun f ts ∧ (∃t ⊵ Fun f ts. t ∈ TRS_terms R)}
        ⊆ {uu. ∃t w. uu = t ∧ w ⊵ t ∧ w ∈ TRS_terms R}" by blast
      thus ?thesis
        using finite_collect[OF fin]
          finite_subset[of A "{uu. ∃t w. uu = t ∧ w ⊵ t ∧ w ∈ TRS_terms R}" for A]
        by presburger
    then have "finite {f map Some ts → Some (Fun f ts) |f ts. ∃t ⊵ Fun f ts. t ∈ TRS_terms R}"
    proof -
      have "{f (map Some ts) → Some (Fun f ts) |f ts. ∃t ⊵ Fun f ts. t ∈ TRS_terms R} =
          (λu. case u of Fun f ts ⇒ f (map Some ts) → Some (Fun f ts)) `
          {Fun f ts |f ts t . (∃t ⊵ Fun f ts. t ∈ TRS_terms R)}"
        by (smt Collect_cong Term.term.simps(6) setcompr_eq_image)
      then show ?thesis using fin_fun by simp
    then show ?thesis unfolding trs_to_ta_A_def ta.make_def cmn_ta_rules_def by auto
  ultimately show "finite (ta_states (trs_to_ta_A R))"
    unfolding trs_to_ta_A_def ta_states_def ta.make_def
    by (simp add: r_states_def)
  show "finite (ta_states (trs_to_ta_B R))"
    using finite_imageI[of "ta_eps (trs_to_ta_A R)" "λt. (snd t, fst t)"] eps
      symmetry_in_G_D[of R] rules unfolding ta_states_def trs_to_ta_B_def ta.make_def
    by (simp add: r_states_def)

lemma conv_adpvars_G:
  assumes "ground s" and "s ⊴ t ∧ t ∈ TRS_terms R"
  shows "Some s ∈ ta_res (trs_to_ta_A R) (adapt_vars s)"
  using assms
proof (induction s)
  case (Fun f ss)
  have 0: "∀i < length ss. (map (ta_res (trs_to_ta_A R)) (map adapt_vars ss)) ! i =
      ta_res (trs_to_ta_A R) (adapt_vars (ss ! i))"
    by simp
  { fix i
    assume i: "i < length ss"
    hence "ground (ss ! i)" using Fun(2) by simp
    moreover have "ss ! i ⊴ t ∧ t ∈ TRS_terms R" using Fun(3)
      by (meson ‹i < length ss› nth_mem supteq.refl supteq.subt supteq_trans)
    moreover have "adapt_vars (ss ! i) = ss ! i"
      by (simp add: adapt_vars_id calculation(1))
    ultimately have "Some (ss ! i) ∈ ta_res (trs_to_ta_A R) (adapt_vars (ss ! i))"
      using Fun(1) i by fastforce
  } note ref = this
  have 1: "f (map Some ss) → Some (Fun f ss) ∈ ta_rules (trs_to_ta_A R)"
    unfolding trs_to_ta_A_def cmn_ta_rules_def TRS_terms_def
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) CollectI Fun.prems(2) TRS_terms_def ta_make_simps(1))
  thus ?case
  proof -
    have "∀i < length ss. (map Some ss) ! i ∈ map (ta_res (trs_to_ta_A R)) (map adapt_vars ss) ! i"
      using ref by simp
    then show ?thesis using 1 by force
qed (fastforce)

lemma conv_adpvars_D:
  assumes "ground s" and "s ⊴ t ∧ t ∈ TRS_terms R"
  shows "Some s ∈ ta_res (trs_to_ta_B R) (adapt_vars s)"
  using assms
proof (induction s)
  case (Fun f ss)
  have 0: "∀i < length ss. (map (ta_res (trs_to_ta_B R)) (map adapt_vars ss)) ! i =
    ta_res (trs_to_ta_B R) (adapt_vars (ss ! i))"
    by simp
  { fix i
    assume i: "i < length ss"
    hence "ground (ss ! i)" using Fun(2) by simp
    moreover have "ss ! i ⊴ t ∧ t ∈ TRS_terms R" using Fun(3)
      by (meson ‹i < length ss› nth_mem supteq.refl supteq.subt supteq_trans)
    moreover have "adapt_vars (ss ! i) = ss ! i"
      by (simp add: adapt_vars_id calculation(1))
    ultimately have "Some (ss ! i) ∈ ta_res (trs_to_ta_B R) (adapt_vars (ss ! i))"
      using Fun(1) i by fastforce} note ref = this
  have 1: "f (map Some ss) → Some (Fun f ss) ∈ ta_rules (trs_to_ta_B R)"
    unfolding trs_to_ta_A_def cmn_ta_rules_def TRS_terms_def
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) CollectI Fun.prems(2) cmn_ta_rules_def ta_make_simps(1) trs_to_ta_B_def)
  thus ?case
  proof -
    have "∀i < length ss. (map Some ss) ! i ∈ map (ta_res (trs_to_ta_B R)) (map adapt_vars ss) ! i"
      using ref by simp
    then show ?thesis using 1 by force
qed (fastforce)

(*The following theorem gives a map from rstep acceptance to gtt_acceptance*)

lemma rstep_to_gtt_accept:
  assumes "ground_trs R" "ground u" "ground v" "(u, v) ∈ rstep R"
  shows "gtt_accept (trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R) (abs u) (abs v)"
  using assms(4,3,2,1)
proof (induction rule: rstepE)
  case (rstep s t C σ l r)
  let ?𝒢 = "(trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R)"
  let ?C = "adapt_vars_ctxt C"
  let ?s = "adapt_vars l"
  let ?t = "adapt_vars r"
  have grnd_s_t: "ground l" "ground r" using rstep(3,8) unfolding ground_trs_def by fastforce+
  hence 1: "Some r ∈ ta_res (trs_to_ta_A R) (adapt_vars l)"
  proof -
    from rstep have "(Some l, Some r) ∈ ta_eps (trs_to_ta_A R)" unfolding trs_to_ta_A_def
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq ta_make_simps(2))
    hence s_res: "Some r ∈ ta_res (trs_to_ta_A R) (Var (Some l))" by auto
    have "Some l ∈ ta_res (trs_to_ta_A R) (adapt_vars l)"
      using grnd_s_t(1) rstep(3) conv_adpvars_G[of l l R]
      unfolding TRS_terms_def TRS_fst_def by auto
    hence loc: "Var (Some l) ∈ ta_res' (trs_to_ta_A R) (adapt_vars l)"
      using ta_res_res'_inclusion[of "Some l" "trs_to_ta_A R" "adapt_vars l"] by blast
    thus ?thesis using ta_res'_ta_res[OF "loc" "s_res"] by argo
  hence 2: "Some r ∈ ta_res (trs_to_ta_B R) (adapt_vars r)"
  proof -
    have t_res: "Some r ∈ ta_res (trs_to_ta_B R) (Var (Some r))"
      unfolding trs_to_ta_B_def trs_to_ta_B_def using rule by simp
    have "Some r ∈ ta_res (trs_to_ta_B R) (adapt_vars r)"
      using grnd_s_t(2) rstep(3) conv_adpvars_D[of r r R]
      unfolding TRS_terms_def TRS_snd_def by auto
    hence loc: "Var (Some r) ∈ ta_res' (trs_to_ta_B R) (adapt_vars r)"
      using ta_res_res'_inclusion[of "Some r" "trs_to_ta_B R" "adapt_vars r"] by blast
    thus ?thesis using ta_res'_ta_res[OF "loc" "t_res"] by argo
  with 1 have IH: "gtt_accept (trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R) (adapt_vars l) (adapt_vars r)"
    by force
  moreover have u_v: "u = C⟨l⟩" "v = C⟨r⟩" using grnd_s_t ground_subst_apply rstep(1,2,4,5) by metis+
  ultimately have "gtt_accept' ?𝒢 (adapt_vars u) (adapt_vars v)"
  proof -
    have loc: "?C⟨?s⟩ = adapt_vars u" "?C⟨?t⟩ = adapt_vars v"
      using u_v by simp_all
    moreover have "fill_holes (mctxt_of_ctxt ?C) [?s] = ?C⟨?s⟩"
                  "fill_holes (mctxt_of_ctxt ?C) [?t] = ?C⟨?t⟩"
      using fill_holes_mctxt_of_ctxt by blast+
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using accept'_closed_ctxt[of "[adapt_vars l]" "[adapt_vars r]" "?𝒢"
           "mctxt_of_ctxt (adapt_vars_ctxt C)"]
      by (simp add:loc gtt_accept_equiv)
  thus ?thesis using gtt_accept_equiv by blast

lemma ground_rstep_domain:
  assumes "ground_trs R" "(a, b) ∈ (rstep R)" "ground b"
  shows "ground a"
  using assms(2,1,3)
proof (induction rule: rstepE)
  case (rstep s t C σ l r)
  have grnd: "ground l" "ground r" using rstep(3,6) unfolding ground_trs_def by fast+
  have "a = C⟨l⟩" " b = C⟨r⟩"
    using rstep(1,4) ground_subst_apply[OF grnd(1)] apply presburger
    using rstep(2,5) ground_subst_apply[OF grnd(2)] by presburger
  then show ?case using rstep(7) grnd
    using ground_ctxt_apply by blast

lemma rstep_trancl_to_gtt_trancl:
  assumes "ground_trs R"
  shows "Restr (abs_R ((rstep R)*)) {t. ground t}
    ⊆ gtt_lang (GTT_trancl (trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R))"
proof -
  { fix s t
    assume asm: "(s, t) ∈ (Restr (abs_R ((rstep R)*)) {t. ground t})"
    hence grnd: "ground s" "ground t" by blast+
    define u v where u_v: "u = rep s" "v = rep t"
    moreover then have rep: "(u, v) ∈ (rstep R)*"
      by (smt IntE Pair_inject adapt_vars_reverse asm grnd(1) grnd(2) imageE prod.collapse)
    hence grnd': "ground u" "ground v" using grnd unfolding u_v by force+
    have "(abs u, abs v) ∈ (gtt_lang (trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R))*"
      using rep grnd' assms(1)
    proof (induction u v rule:rtrancl.induct)
      case (rtrancl_refl a)
      then show ?case by blast
      case (rtrancl_into_rtrancl a b c)
      hence grnd: "ground b" using ground_rstep_domain[of R b c] by fast
      hence "(GTT_TRS.abs a, GTT_TRS.abs b) ∈ (gtt_lang (trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R))*"
        using rtrancl_into_rtrancl(3,4,6) by blast
      moreover have "(GTT_TRS.abs b, GTT_TRS.abs c)
                           ∈ (gtt_lang (trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R))"
       using grnd rtrancl_into_rtrancl(2,5,6) rstep_to_gtt_accept[of R b c]
         by auto
      ultimately show ?case
         by (meson rtrancl.rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
    hence "(s, t) ∈ (gtt_lang (trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R))*"
      using u_v
      by (simp add: u_v(1) u_v(2) grnd(1) grnd(2))
    moreover have "(s, t) ∈ {t. ground t} × {t. ground t}"
      using grnd by blast
    ultimately have "(s, t) ∈ Restr ((gtt_lang (trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R))*) {t. ground t}"
      by blast
  then have "Restr (abs_R ((rstep R)*)) {t. ground t}
              ⊆ Restr ((gtt_lang (trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R))*) {t. ground t}"
    by blast
 then show ?thesis
    using GTT_trancl_lang[of "(trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R)"]
    by (simp add: Restr_rtrancl_gtt_lang_eq_trancl_gtt_lang)

(* The following set of theorem are useful in showing that gtt acceptance
implies an rstep relation. We prove a set of theorem for the ground tree tranducer G,
and replicate it for D*)

lemma Some_ta_res:
  assumes "q ∈ ta_res (trs_to_ta_A R) s" "ground_trs R" "ground s"
  shows "∃p. q = Some p"
  using assms
proof (induction s arbitrary: q)
  case (Var x)
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Fun f ss)
  then obtain q' qs where q'_qs: "f qs → q' ∈ ta_rules (trs_to_ta_A R)"
    "(q', q) ∈ (ta_eps (trs_to_ta_A R))*"
    "length qs = length ss"
    "∀i < length ss. qs ! i ∈ map (ta_res (trs_to_ta_A R)) ss ! i"
    by auto
  then have "∃p'. q' = Some p'" unfolding trs_to_ta_A_def
    by (smt CollectD cmn_ta_rules_def ta_make_simps(1) ta_rule.inject)
  then show ?case using q'_qs(2) unfolding trs_to_ta_A_def
    by (smt CollectD Pair_inject rtranclE ta_make_simps(2))

lemma Some_ta_res_D:
  assumes "q ∈ ta_res (trs_to_ta_B R) s" "ground_trs R" "ground s"
  shows "∃p. q = Some p"
  using assms
proof (induction s arbitrary: q)
  case (Var x)
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Fun f ss)
  then obtain q' qs where q'_qs: "f qs → q' ∈ ta_rules (trs_to_ta_B R)"
    "(q', q) ∈ (ta_eps (trs_to_ta_B R))*"
    "length qs = length ss"
    "∀i < length ss. qs ! i ∈ map (ta_res (trs_to_ta_B R)) ss ! i"
    by auto
  then have "∃p'. q' = Some p'" unfolding trs_to_ta_B_def
    by (smt CollectD cmn_ta_rules_def ta_make_simps(1) ta_rule.inject)
  then show ?case using q'_qs(2) unfolding trs_to_ta_B_def
    by (smt CollectD Pair_inject rtranclE ta_make_simps(2))

lemma ta_eps_tranclp_G:
  assumes "(a, b) ∈ (ta_eps (trs_to_ta_A R))+"
  shows "∃l r. (a = Some l ∧ b = Some r) ∧ (l, r) ∈ R+" using assms
proof (induction rule: trancl_induct)
  case base
  then show ?case unfolding trs_to_ta_A_def ta.make_def
    by auto
  case (step c b)
  then obtain l r' where l: "a = Some l ∧ c = Some r'" "(l, r') ∈ R+" by blast
  then obtain r where "b = Some r ∧ (r', r) ∈ R " using step(2)
    unfolding trs_to_ta_A_def make_def by auto
  then show ?case using l by auto

lemma ta_eps_rtraclp_G:
  assumes "(Some l, Some r) ∈ (ta_eps (trs_to_ta_A R))*"
  shows "(l, r) ∈ R*" using assms
proof (cases "Some l = Some r")
  case False
  hence "(Some l, Some r) ∈ (ta_eps (trs_to_ta_A R))+" using assms
    by (meson rtranclD)
  hence "(l, r) ∈ R+" using ta_eps_tranclp_G by blast
  then show ?thesis by fast
qed (blast)

lemma ta_res_G_rstep:
  assumes "ground_trs R" "ground s"
    "Some q ∈ ta_res (trs_to_ta_A R) s"
  shows "(adapt_vars s, q) ∈ (rstep R)*"
  using assms(3,2,1)
proof (induction s arbitrary: q)
  case (Var x)
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Fun f ss)
  then obtain qs q' where q'_qs: "f qs → q' ∈ ta_rules (trs_to_ta_A R)"
    "(q', Some q) ∈ (ta_eps (trs_to_ta_A R))*"
    "length qs = length ss"
    "∀i < length ss. qs ! i ∈ ta_res (trs_to_ta_A R) (ss ! i)" by auto
  have grnd: "∀i < length ss. ground (ss ! i)" using Fun(3) by auto
  hence "∀i < length qs. ∃x. Some x = qs ! i"
    using Some_ta_res q'_qs(3,4) assms(1)
    by metis
  then obtain ps where ps: "qs = map Some ps"
    using construct_exI'[of "length qs" "λx i. Some x = qs ! i"]
    by (metis map_nth_eq_conv)
  { fix i
    assume i: "i < length ss"
    hence "(adapt_vars (ss ! i), ps ! i) ∈ (rstep R)*"
      using Fun(1) ps q'_qs(3,4) grnd assms(1) by auto }
  hence "(Fun f (map adapt_vars ss), Fun f ps) ∈ (rstep R)*"
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) args_rsteps_imp_rsteps length_map nth_map ps q'_qs(3))
  hence 1: "(adapt_vars (Fun f ss), Fun f ps) ∈ (rstep R)*"
    using Fun(3) by simp
  have "f (map Some ps) → q' ∈ ta_rules (trs_to_ta_A R)"
    using q'_qs(1) ps by blast
  hence "q' = Some (Fun f ps)" unfolding trs_to_ta_A_def ta.make_def cmn_ta_rules_def
    by fastforce
  then have "(Some (Fun f ps), Some q) ∈ (ta_eps (trs_to_ta_A R))*" using q'_qs(2) by argo
  then have "(Fun f ps, q) ∈ R*" using ta_eps_rtraclp_G by blast
  with 1 show ?case
    by (smt rtranclD rtrancl_trancl_trancl subset_rstep trancl_into_rtrancl trancl_mono)

(*Replicating above theorems for the case D*)

lemma ta_eps_tranclp_D:
  assumes "(a, b) ∈ (ta_eps (trs_to_ta_B R))+"
  shows "∃l r. (a = Some r ∧ b = Some l) ∧ (l, r) ∈ R+ " using assms
proof (induction rule: trancl_induct)
  case base
  then show ?case unfolding trs_to_ta_B_def ta.make_def
    by auto
  case (step c b)
  then obtain r l' where l: "a = Some r ∧ c = Some l'" "(l', r) ∈ R+" by blast
  then obtain l where "b = Some l ∧ (l, l') ∈ R" using step(2)
    unfolding trs_to_ta_B_def make_def by auto
  then show ?case using l by auto

lemma ta_eps_rtraclp_D:
  assumes "(Some l, Some r) ∈ (ta_eps (trs_to_ta_B R))*"
  shows "(r, l) ∈ R*" using assms
proof (cases "Some l = Some r")
  case False
  hence "(Some l, Some r) ∈ (ta_eps (trs_to_ta_B R))+" using assms
    by (meson rtranclD)
  hence "(r, l) ∈ R+" using ta_eps_tranclp_D by blast
  then show ?thesis by fast
qed (blast)

lemma ta_res_D_rstep:
  assumes "ground_trs R" "ground t"
    "Some q ∈ ta_res (trs_to_ta_B R) t"
  shows "(q, adapt_vars t) ∈ (rstep R)*"
  using assms(3,2,1)
proof (induction t arbitrary: q)
  case (Var x)
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Fun f ts)
  then obtain qs q' where q'_qs: "f qs → q' ∈ ta_rules (trs_to_ta_B R)"
    "(q', Some q) ∈ (ta_eps (trs_to_ta_B R))*"
    "length qs = length ts"
    "∀i < length ts. qs ! i ∈ ta_res (trs_to_ta_B R) (ts ! i)" by auto
  have grnd: "∀i< length ts. ground (ts ! i)" using Fun(3) by auto
  hence "∀i < length qs. ∃x. Some x = qs ! i"
    using Some_ta_res_D[of "qs ! i" R "ts ! i" for i] q'_qs(3,4) assms(1)
    by metis
  then obtain ps where ps: "qs = map Some ps"
    using construct_exI'[of "length qs" "λ x i. Some x = qs ! i"]
    by (metis map_nth_eq_conv)
  { fix i
    assume i: "i < length ts"
    hence "(ps ! i, adapt_vars (ts ! i)) ∈ (rstep R)*"
      using Fun(1) ps q'_qs(3,4) grnd assms(1) by auto }
  hence "(Fun f ps, Fun f (map adapt_vars ts)) ∈ (rstep R)*"
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) args_rsteps_imp_rsteps length_map nth_map ps q'_qs(3))
  hence 1: "(Fun f ps, adapt_vars (Fun f ts)) ∈ (rstep R)*"
    using Fun(3) by simp
  have "(f (map Some ps) → q') ∈ ta_rules (trs_to_ta_B R)"
    using q'_qs(1) ps by blast
  hence "q' = Some (Fun f ps)" unfolding trs_to_ta_B_def ta.make_def cmn_ta_rules_def
    by fastforce
  then have "(Some (Fun f ps), Some q) ∈ (ta_eps (trs_to_ta_B R))*" using q'_qs(2) by argo
  then have "(q, Fun f ps) ∈ R*" using ta_eps_rtraclp_D by blast
  with 1 show ?case
    by (smt rtranclD rtrancl_trancl_trancl subset_rstep trancl_into_rtrancl trancl_mono)

lemma gtt_accept_to_rstep_rtrancl:
  assumes "ground_trs R" "ground u" "ground v"
          "gtt_accept (trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R) u v"
  shows "(rep u, rep v) ∈ (rstep R)*"
  using assms(4,3,2,1)
 proof (induction rule:gtt_accept.induct)
  case (refl t)
  then show ?case by force
  case (join q s t)
  obtain p where p: "Some p = q"
    using Some_ta_res[of q R s] join(1,4,5) unfolding fst_conv by blast
  then have "(adapt_vars s, p) ∈ (rstep R)*"
    using ta_res_G_rstep[of R s p] join(1,4,5)
    unfolding fst_conv by blast
  moreover have "(p, adapt_vars t) ∈ (rstep R)*"
    using ta_res_D_rstep[of R t p] join(2,3,5) p
    unfolding snd_conv by blast
  ultimately show ?case by fastforce
  case (ctxt ss ts f)
  have ad_Fun: "adapt_vars (Fun f ss) = Fun f (map adapt_vars ss)"
              "adapt_vars (Fun f ss) = Fun f (map adapt_vars ss)"
    using ctxt(4,5) by simp+
  { fix i
    assume i: "i < length ss"
    with ctxt have "gtt_accept (trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R) (ss ! i) (ts ! i)"
      by (auto elim:gtt_accept.cases)
    moreover have "ground (ss ! i) ∧ ground (ts ! i)" using i ctxt(1,3,4) by force
    ultimately have "(adapt_vars (ss ! i), adapt_vars (ts ! i)) ∈ (rstep R)*"
      using ctxt(2,5) i by blast }
  with ad_Fun show ?case
    using args_rsteps_imp_rsteps[of "map adapt_vars ss" "map adapt_vars ts" R f]
    by (simp add: ctxt.hyps)
(*Might want to shorten the proof lemma before*)
lemma abs_R_rtrancl:
  assumes "ground a" "ground b" "ground c" "(a, b) ∈ abs_R (R*)" "(b, c) ∈ abs_R (R*)"
  shows "(a, c) ∈ abs_R (R*)"
proof -
  obtain a' b' c' where obt: "a = abs a'" "b = abs b'" "c = abs c'"
    using assms by blast
  then have "(a', b') ∈ R*" using assms(1,2,4)
    by (smt adapt_vars_reverse fst_conv image_iff relcompE rtrancl_idemp_self_comp snd_conv)
  moreover have "(b', c') ∈ R*" using assms(2,3,5) obt(2,3)
    by (smt adapt_vars_reverse fst_conv image_iff relcompE rtrancl_idemp_self_comp snd_conv)
  ultimately have "(a', c') ∈ R*" by fastforce
  then show ?thesis using obt(1,3)
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) fst_conv obt(1) obt(3) rev_image_eqI snd_conv)

lemma gtt_lang_to_rstep_rtrancl:
  assumes "ground_trs R"
  shows "gtt_lang (GTT_trancl (trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R)) ⊆ Restr (abs_R ((rstep R)*)) {t. ground t}"
proof -
  have "Restr ((gtt_lang (trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R))*) {t. ground t}
    ⊆ Restr (abs_R ((rstep R)*)) {t. ground t}"
  proof -
    { fix u v
      assume asm: "(u, v) ∈ Restr ((gtt_lang (trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R))*) {t. ground t}"
      then have grnd: "ground u" "ground v" by blast+
      moreover have u_v: "(u, v) ∈ (gtt_lang (trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R))*"
        using asm by fast
      have "(u, v) ∈ abs_R ((rstep R)*)"
        using u_v grnd assms
      proof (induction u v rule: rtrancl.induct)
        case (rtrancl_refl a)
        hence "abs (rep a) = a" by auto
        moreover have "(rep a, rep a) ∈ (rstep R)*" by blast
        ultimately show ?case
          by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) fst_conv rev_image_eqI snd_conv)
        case (rtrancl_into_rtrancl a b c)
        then have grnd_b: "ground b" by force
        hence 1: "(a, b) ∈ abs_R ((rstep R)*)"
          using rtrancl_into_rtrancl(3,4,5,6) by fast
        have "(rep b, rep c) ∈ (rstep R)*"
          using grnd_b rtrancl_into_rtrancl(2,5,6) gtt_accept_to_rstep_rtrancl by blast
        hence "(b, c) ∈ abs_R ((rstep R)*)"
          using grnd_b rtrancl_into_rtrancl(5)
          by (smt adapt_vars_adapt_vars fst_conv rev_image_eqI snd_conv)
        with 1 show ?case using abs_R_rtrancl rtrancl_into_rtrancl(4,5) grnd_b by blast
      hence "(u, v) ∈ Restr (abs_R ((rstep R)*)) {t. ground t}"
        using grnd by blast }
    thus ?thesis by blast
  thus ?thesis using GTT_trancl_lang[of "(trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R)"]
    by (simp add: Restr_rtrancl_gtt_lang_eq_trancl_gtt_lang)

(*Main Theorem*)
lemma reachability_gtt_equiv:
  assumes "ground_trs R"
  shows "gtt_lang (GTT_trancl (trs_to_ta_A R, trs_to_ta_B R))
    = Restr (abs_R ((rstep R)*)) {t. ground t}"
  using gtt_lang_to_rstep_rtrancl[OF assms] rstep_trancl_to_gtt_trancl[OF assms]
  by auto
